Get Clicky

posted 8 May 2003, 10PM | 8 Comments

I've stumbled on some great links and memes lately, but haven't taken the time to share. If you're looking for distraction, fun, or good reading, these should keep you busy for a while:

First, what's up with pro-anorexia websites? (via Adam).

Terry Tate, Office Linbacker, returned last month.

My friend Andy linked two of the funnist movie downloads you will watch this month. As he put it, "If you're going to videotape your Star Wars fighting skills on a school camera, remember to remove the cassette when you're done". Check out the first video, and then be sure to watch the version edited and remixed by some clever geeks out there in Star Wars BBS land. Man. I'm going to watch them both again right now. [*laughs* *roars*].

Tina Fey earns big money (via Noelle).

A company in Philadelphia has basically developed the most important technology ever. According to CEO Brian Appel, "This process can deal with the world's waste. It can supplement our dwindling supplies of oil. And it can slow down global warming." Seriously. Big machines grind, pressure-steam any and all carbon-based waste (turnkey offal, tires, sewage, plastic, wood) , and then cool the slurry to create natural gas, light crude oil, water, and rich minerals. Unbelieveable (via Leonard).

Test your geographic knowledge of the Mid-East and Northern Africa with a fun interactive map. I didn't do so well.

You don't have to speak fluent French to find this article about Keifer Southerland hilarious. Note Keifer's exposed thighs in the inset photo (via Dave).

Within the past week I've become obsessed with Neko Case's recent album, Blacklisted. God, it's so good. Her haunting melodies and reverbancholy vocals kick you right in the heart. In the six-degrees of music world, it's no suprise that the Giant Sand / Calexico boys (more favorites of ours) from Tuscon play with her on nearly every track. Get the album.

Hell can be found on AOL Hometown.

Lastly, 1 Acre of Moon Land for only $30? Oh Boy!

There are 8 Comments


8 May 03 at 10:50AM ryan said:

let's go comment crazy with all of this! wasn't that neat, funny, absurd, odd! can you believe that? how did they do that? where did they find that? start anywhere! ooh!ooh!


8 May 03 at 01:49PM katia said:

Oh Keifer... I think Annette Wolfe, his porte-parole (whatever that is), in confirming his embarassment about it all, said something like "It seemed funny at the time, but it really wasn't." Man, SO profound!
But why do all the stars seem to enjoy karaoke so much? And I never would have guessed Keifer as a tighty-whitey guy.


8 May 03 at 01:57PM katia said:

Wait a minute... 1 acre of the moon is $29.99 PLUS shipping & handling? What would shipping end up running you on that!?!


8 May 03 at 02:27PM ryan said:

It depends. If you send it 2nd Day Air, it'll be expensive, but if you're more patient (and who's in a rush when it comes to moon real estate) you could send it UPS ground... except... oh god...


8 May 03 at 02:51PM Lisser said:

RYAN! You just made my day! Jimmy's coming back next season! I thought he was leaving! Although... I am sad that Tracy's leaving. But so it goes.


8 May 03 at 03:30PM ryan said:

It seems that Neko Case is also currently's sexiest woman in indie rock. One more reason to go and see her live.


8 May 03 at 09:57PM Adam said:

So much random goodness! Thanks Ryan!!!

And Neko Case is sexy. No doubt about that.


13 May 03 at 06:20PM V said:


I don't know how many times I've actually just sat and laughed out loud at that clip of the kid with the lightsaber routine.


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