they're probably voting right now.
i forget to stay informed about issues that interest me.
i'm not very good at government.

on tuesday morning, senator frank murkowski (democrat, alaska) offered up his ammendment to allow drilling in the arctic wildlife refuge. senator ted stevens (republican, alaska) immediately followed, offering a second degree amendment to that of his fellow senator.

right away, senators john kerry (democrat, massachusetts) and joseph lieberman (democrat, connecticut) began a filibuster, taking control of the senate floor and refusing to yield until forced, thus effectively stalling the vote on this issue.

this morning, they're taking a cloture vote to end the filibuster. the result will indicate whether or not our country wants oil companies to begin moving in and drilling.

this is not the environmental road we want to walk down. not for a probable six months of oil. and this would only be the beginning of such a trajectory: there presently sit proposals on the table to significantly roll back the clean air act, the clean water act, the endangered species act, the superfund act and the roadless forests initiative. special interests, like the oil, auto, and utility industries, are attempting to literally re-write our cornerstone environmental and public health laws, with the full backing of president bush.

call the capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your senator's office. once connected, you can use the rap below to leave a message:

"hello, my name is _____ and I live at _______. please vote against any attempt to open the arctic national wildlife refuge to oil and gas drilling and vote NO on the cloture vote on the arctic filibuster."

call, whatever time it is.
i never remember to do things on time.
i'm not very good at government.